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Free Range Cows

To get through Life

You could

see like others,

do like others,

be like others.

or See Your Goals

or Act on a Mission

or Live for Purpose

Your place in life is learned, it is not set.

We are a small group that meets

to grow, learn, evolve

and support one another

Purpose Requires Training

We are a small group to help develop each others goals and to hold each accountable to their goals with weekly calls

Missions Requires Support

We are a small group that meets to grow, learn, evolve and support one another

Shaking Hands

It's about like minded individuals getting together. It's about pooling talents and resources. It's about pushing each other

to be the best each person can be 
and reaching our next level of success

It's about make ourselves better 

by making others better

Image by Paolo Bendandi

What We Do? 


To change
your Lens 

& Learning Pathways

Find and Live your Personal


your peer network

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© 2023 1up.Cafe

You have a choice to not be what you were taught.

With the Right Support, Everything Is Possible

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